Sunday, October 28, 2007


The tipi was the main home of the Ojibwa Indian tribes. The tipi's were made out of a series of wooden stacks pointed inward. When the posts are setup the Ojibwa Indians would either put layers of either buffalo hides or canvas. At the top of the tipi there would be a smoke hole for the fir to keep them warm. They could adjusts the hole for when they did or didn't use it. The door is made of one single piece of buffalo hide. The ground was the floor for there home, during the winter time grass was added for soft ground and for insulation. As beds in the house they would use typically buffalo furs and they were able to put 3 to 4 beds and they would put them along the wall opposite from the door. Ojibwa were not the only tribes to use tip's Indians in other regions used similar design methods.

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